Profitable ad layout – how is it done?

  • 14 / 09 / 2021
  • Agata Kapinska
Profitable ad layout – how is it done?

Searching for the most profitable ad layout has been the eternal mission of every publisher monetizing with ads. No surprise, because ads don’t make money just like that. They have to be arranged in a way that meets your website visitors’ needs, expectations, and habits. Otherwise, they won’t focus enough attention to reach targeted audiences, hence to make money. And where’s the fun in that? But finding the right composition takes a lot of time and practice, which are not always easy to come by.

What’s behind efficient ads

What your website’s visitors see as ads hides a ton of data analysis and planning. Although it might seem that the right areas for advertising are easy to spot, it’s not that simple. It’s not just the matter of filling available whitespace nor choosing eye-catching formats. A profitable ad layout takes a lot of optimization regarding both your website and its users.

Over the years, users developed some habits and patterns when surfing the web. Identifying and understanding those is the key to effective ad arrangement. Why? Because only then do ads serve their purpose to catch attention. Our eyes tend to focus on some parts of the screen more than others. While scrolling through pages, people search for demanded information or content with quick glimpses to pinpoint what they’re looking for. Many studies prove that people will often consume its content in the common F-pattern when visiting a website. It means that the horizontal part of the page gets our full attention, while what’s lower on the page focuses less and less attention. Of course, there are more of these fundamental users’ eye-catching concepts to follow. So as you see, there are multiple angles you should consider to put yourself in the user’s shoes, but the real deal is to consider both various and right aspects.

Technology at your service

It might seem obvious, I know, but the struggle begins when it comes to choosing the right users’ habits. First of all, you need to get to know your website’s visitors, which takes a lot of work and time. Secondly, to stay up to date, you should continuously analyze users’ behaviors to see what changes occur and how to respond to such. The thing is, when you run a business, there is never enough time, and such demanding processes of analysis can be a nightmare. But guess what, it’s the 21st century, and technology answers pretty much all of our problems these days. So, you don’t have to worry anymore about whether people read your web pages horizontally or vertically because that’s what technology is for. There are tools designed to identify individual features of your website and its recipients and tailor solutions most efficiently just for you.

Instead of losing your head over the ad layout that meets your needs and wishes, it’s better to look for a trustworthy partner who will support your business. This idea to support online publishers was the backbone of optAd360’s mission, which led to developing optAd360 AI Engine technology that serves publishers every step of the monetization way.


Solutions possible with optAd360 AI Engine technology consider what’s described above and more mundane aspects. Those always take into account the advertising industry’s rules and recommendations regarding the technical details of the ad units and their placements. Contrary to appearances, there are pretty many of them, so it’s not that easy to keep up with updates for different devices, ad sizes or formats, and more. Sometimes implemented ads don’t appear, even though you technically did everything right. That’s because not every ad tag fits in every container specified by undercover CSS classes. I know IT jargon is not easy to understand, so why struggle? You do what you do best, create and let those tech geniuses hiding behind optAd360 AI Engine do their magic.

Pure profits

Entrusting in progress can make your life much easier. Why is it worth it? Because, with all the elements that make up optAd360 AI Engine solutions, your website advertising potential is used optimally. You don’t have to worry if the formats are attractive, if the sizes are suitable or whether your site’s above the fold is genuinely exploited. In other words, your ad layout will make the best out of your users’ attention. And that, of course, reflects on ad revenue, which should convince you best.

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