Google Magi

  • 04 / 10 / 2024
  • Alicja Graczyk
Google Magi

Many people are wondering about the future of search engines, especially Google, the undeniable leader boasting about 90% market share. For some time now, rumors have been circulating that Google is preparing a new search engine. Although the project is still in its early stages, we can already access some information about it, as well as consider how might it potentially impact digital publishers. Read on!


The roots of the secret Google project

According to the New York Times, Google’s Project Magi is an initiative for a new search engine that heavily utilizes AI. While company spokespeople have declined to comment on these reports, official statements show that Google has long been focused on artificial intelligence development. One example is Google Gemini (formerly known as Bard), which is an AI-powered chatbot.

The situation became more pressing when, in March 2023, Google employees were surprised by the news that Samsung was thinking about changing the default search engine from Google to Bing on its devices. Bing currently offers many innovative artificial intelligence features like summarization of pieces of information and chat. Additionally, there is increasing discussion about new AI-based search engine projects from other companies, such as Perplexity, a “conversational search engine”.

Consequently, it appears that changes to the world’s most popular search engine are inevitable. Even in its current version, Google is incorporating AI features, many of which are already available for English queries to users in the United States after agreeing to “AI Overviews and more” experiment in Search Labs like:

  • When you type a query into Google, extensive summaries often appear before all search results (websites containing best-suited answers to the entered query);
  • Google encourages users from the USA to ask precise questions such as “Are there makeup studios available in Queens borough, New York? Show me the best options within walking distance” or to give commands like “Create a 7-day meal plan that can be easily prepared with two pots and a stove”. An extensive summary with all the useful tips should appear afterward;
  • After the AI response shows up, you can customize it further by, for instance, clicking “Simpler” or “Break it down” buttons that will shorten the received answer or make a list from it;
  • What’s more, you can upload a video showing and describing your problem, such as an issue with your printer, and the search engine will show you possible solutions.

The current state of affairs

When speaking about the shape of the next generation, Google’s AI search engine – Magi, here are some of its alleged characteristics:

  • It will probably partially resemble a chatbot, and users will be able to experience more of a dialogue than traditional search;
  • It was said that some payments might be handled within the search engine, for example, with the assistance of Google Pay;
  • The search and outcomes will be more adjusted to the individual user. For instance, your jeans size will be remembered, so next time you are looking for a pair, only ones within your size will appear.

What does the future hold for publishers?

The possible significant shift from search engine results based mainly on a list of websites, where a user is supposed to find the best answers on his own, to an AI-generated response set, which is only backed up with suggested links, might be a significant change. Even now, some people consider minor solutions like featured snippets to be things that discourage people from visiting sites and, as a result, from making money from ads displayed there. However, it seems that Google will still care about publishers because the company plans to introduce some improvements like:

  • built-in aids such as plagiarism checkers, dictionaries, and information assisting publishers in broadening their knowledge about SEO,
  • feedback options from users and a way for content creators from the same fields to communicate with each other.

It appears that a revolution is inevitable, as it could help Google maintain its market leadership. However, publishers understandably fear for their future. We are witnessing history in the making, as seen with the current AI solutions in Google’s search engine available in the USA. Change is certain, and the key to market survival will be adaptation. Nevertheless, it’s still too early to worry about the outcomes of Google’s secret project, particularly since the company has not yet commented on the press reports.

For years, Google has developed a variety of tools and programs to assist digital publishers, including those that help them generate ad revenue. The company has put a lot of effort into creating platforms like Ad Manager, AdSense, and AdMob to support content monetization. Given their significant investment in supporting content creators, it seems unlikely that Google would suddenly abandon them and stop providing the necessary support, resources and earning opportunities.

Whatever the future brings, it is certainly safer to join an ad network with a stable market position whose specialists will help you navigate the uncertain waters of the future. So jump on optAd360 board to boost your earnings and for priority access to information regarding Google activities. Set sail and earn more now while the waters are still more than favorable!


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