Which social media platform is best for your content monetization?

  • 07 / 04 / 2023
  • Patrycja Gumola
Which social media platform is best for your content monetization?

Social media platforms are total game-changers in digital marketing. They allow digital publishers to gain their content’s popularity and build a community of potential users. Sounds perfect, I know, but not all that glitters is gold! You can have millions of followers on social media but still, get minimum traffic. So how to do it well? Let’s check this out!

You need to understand how the process works to run social media correctly in the first place. Proper social media marketing strategy needs time, effort, and sometimes budget, but still, it’s rewarding when adequately conducted. Thanks to it, you can gain a high reach and a big group of users – from this point, it’s pretty close to successful content monetization. But wait, which social media platform is best for that?

Why do you need social media?

Let’s face it – you will probably not be able to gain the number of visitors social media platforms have. But don’t worry, you can use it for your benefit! Billions of Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn visitors give you a vast range of options that you can choose from to target your content best. Thanks to it, you can quickly access and make the first contact with your potential users. Like all, social media have their drawbacks. They require lots of time to create posts and comments, write additional content, and even budget to advertise it.

Additionally, if you use a social media platform, you have to accept its terms and conditions and adjust to its algorithms. It’s not like your social media will succeed overnight. It’s simply impossible. You may wonder if this additional effort will pay off in the end, so let me tell you – yes, it will! The time you dedicate to these additional actions can actually turn out to be the best marketing strategy for your website or mobile app. By gaining new visitors, you get better monetization potential and more significant traffic, which makes you possibly earn more money.

Remember that the majority of social media visitors access these platforms from mobile devices. That’s why it’s essential to make your website responsive. Otherwise, you will lose visitors as quickly as you gained them – they won’t stay long on a strange-looking website with elements tossed around chaotically.

source: https://giphy.com/

Running a social media account is the most accessible and easy way to gain new users, but don’t take it for granted! You should think twice about how you want to attract visitors there because if you do it wrong from the beginning, you may discourage them quickly and lose your chance to get new audiences. The first impression really counts! Nowadays, social media are no longer just a place to post cute pictures with your cat, but to run advanced business promoting campaigns. Don’t underestimate its importance and reach for the benefits it offers.

Identifying your target group

Before you even think of monetizing your content with the help of social media, you must consider your target group first. The sad truth is that writing to everybody is a road to the middle of nowhere. So, instead of trying to please everyone, you should find one specific group of people you write to and always think of them while creating content. This way of thinking helps you specify your target group and reach people who may actually be interested in your content. It’s particularly important when it comes to certain methods of content monetization like, for instance, displaying contextually targeted ads. If the visitors won’t be really interested in your content, they will also not be interested in the ads matching it contextually.

Social media are vital when building a community of interested users. So, when trying to get more traffic for your website or mobile app, never focus on the quantity of users, but rather the quality of your audience. The more engaged and loyal they are, the better it is for your performance and profit. It’s way easier to reach people there at first and then redirect them to your main content. If you want to use social media to create a group of engaged users, you need to identify your niche in the first place. Thanks to it, you will be able to meet the specific needs of your users by making content dedicated explicitly to your chosen audience.

source: https://giphy.com/

The truth is, nowadays, everybody is used to searching for the best-tailored option for them, as the market is over-saturated with a vast range of products and services. That’s why you should always try to exceed your competition in everything, so you can be noticed by new people and get the best results possible.

Target audience Instagram

Instagram is the most casual social media platform reaching the youngest target group (just after TikTok) where you can post in various ways. To engage your audience and make them stay on your account for longer, you can post reels, stories, posts, polls, and many more. Instagram’s most significant advantage is that it makes it effortless to build a close relationship with your audience. Posting on this platform is so casual that the people you follow may seem like your friends even if you don’t know them. That’s why it works best with less serious content that appears to be just a casual daily update.

However, the most significant disadvantage of this platform is that it is unstable and undergoes constant changes. Of course, Instagram does not try to make our lives more complicated by often alternating algorithms, but rather suits our tastes and needs. However, catching up with latest updates may be challenging even for the most up-to-date marketer – there are situations where you lose tons of followers for no reason, or your posts are not showing to your users.

Target audience LinkedIn

It’s the most professional platform for business and carrier-oriented users. When it comes to that specific social media platform, it’s important to remember what kind of users it’s tailored to. On a daily basis, LinkedIn is great for looking for jobs, telling work-related stories, or for educational purposes. That’s why posting a photo of your dog’s new toy will not be well perceived there. It’s because publishing private life posts doesn’t add up on LinkedIn, as it has a much more serious narrative. While running a social media account on LinkedIn, remember that you write primarily to middle-aged people, who also might not have time for complicated screeds. That’s why content here needs to be well-thought and strictly checked to determine whether it meets the needs of the niche you are trying to reach before publishing. To sum up, LinkedIn is the best choice if your website or app raises “serious” matters and is somehow connected to business and work. Otherwise, it could be challenging to find community there.

source: https://giphy.com/

Target audience Facebook

Facebook is a golden mean between casual Instagram and professional LinkedIn. Some people say Facebook has gone out of fashion, and there may be some truth to that. However, it only applies to the new generation Z, which prefers more visual (graphic and video-oriented) content. Facebook is still the most popular among 24-34-year-old users and lesser among the rest of the generations. So, if your target audience is not younger than 24 years, you can still freely and effectively use it to run marketing activities. The Facebook narrative is a bit looser than LinkedIn, but it can still be used for professional content. On the other hand, entertainment sells there as well as professional content, but it’s not as easy to create 1:1 relationships with the audience as on Instagram.

The most significant advantage of Facebook is the possibility of creating closed groups and events that enable building a cozy community of only chosen people. Being in such a specific group gives them a sense of belonging and importance. It’s a great way to engage users by creating discussions and events they can comment on and speak about. If you give voice to your audiences, it creates a bond that isn’t easy to break.

Which social media platform is best for advertising your content?

Running an account on every social media platform is good if it meets your needs and preferences and allows you to get closer to your traffic and revenue goals. Simple as that! What’s more, having different traffic sources not only attracts more users, but also increases the credibility of your website. Let’s face it – nowadays, almost everyone checks a company’s social media before trusting them or buying their product.

When choosing the perfect social media for you, remember that everything depends on what content you create and what you want to achieve. Every social media makes total sense if your marketing operations are tailored specifically to your content and for reaching a targeted group of users. Growing your audience allows you to monetize your content and increase profits.

Remember that a social media campaign isn’t a piece of cake. To succeed, you need to exceed your competition (a lot), and sometimes you have to invest some money to push yourself forward to others. It’s not that easy to start from scratch, as plenty of outstanding social media accounts already exist – some of them are really pampered, because they’re often the main focus of their creators and not just a way to let people know about your main content that you create elsewhere. If you want to start big, you can always hire a professional to run it for you, but of course, it comes with the price (and it’s not a small investment). On the other hand, taking matters into your own hands may take lots of time and effort, and to be honest, without proper knowledge of social media marketing, it may not really bring the expected results.

Whatever you choose, the ultimate goal of social media activities, in your case, is to attract new users and get to know your audience and their needs. Making a good impression on your users might be a good canvas for truthful content and a credible website or app, and it may later do wonders with your revenue, especially if you monetize with programmatic advertising.

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